Psalm 16 Keep Me Safe O Lord

  1. Psalm 16 Keep Me Safe O Lord -:-- / -:--

Keep me, keep me safe O Lord. Guard me, for I look to you for refuge now.
Take heed and hear my cry, O Lord my God.
Is there any god like you? Lord God, I have no good thing apart from you.
I turn to you in need, O Lord my God.

Those who are yours in the land, they are glorious and, Lord, you take delight in them.
All who pursue other gods heap up sorrows and fill their lives with emptiness;
and I shall have no part with them, nor take their names upon my lips.

Father, you aportion me blessings, and I have a goodly heritage.
How pleasant is my lot, O Lord my God!
Praise him, for He freely gives counsel; in the night the Lord instructs my heart.
I ever keep the Lord before my eyes.

Therefore my heart shall rejoice, and my soul and feeble body dwell secure.
God will not leave me alone, nor abandon His holy one to see the pit.
My soul and spirit dwell secure. All praise to you, O Lord my God!


Lord in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures for evermore.
Glory to you, O Lord! All praise to your name! Praise His name!
Lord in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures for evermore.

Glory be to God the Lord, Father, Son and Spirit, now and evermore,
for ever and for evermore. Amen.